Memory Lane Monday is a weekly meme that Amber at Paradise of Pages and I, Kristalyn at The Sarcastic Palmtree, came up with. We have been wanting to re-read some of our favorites but feel overwhelmed by all the other new books coming out that our re-reads get put to the side. We have decided we don't want to put them aside anymore, so we will be taking turns putting up our reviews on our blogs throughout the month. This does not mean we won't keep up with recent releases, it just means we will make more time for those we have read before as well.

If you would like to read my Memory Post for American Girl On Saturn you can here.
Here's how Memory Lane Monday works:

The summer after graduation is supposed to be that first real taste of freedom - but not for eighteen-year-old Chloe Branson. Just as that breeze of freedom is making its way into her galaxy, her secret-service-agent dad drops a meteor-sized bomb of bad news on her and her sisters. An attempt has been made on the lives of Canadian boyband, Spaceships Around Saturn, during their USA tour, and the guys have to go into hiding ASAP. The only problem? In the midst of the crisis and media frenzy, their dad volunteered to hide the their house.
Six-year-old Emery is as ecstatic as any self-proclaimed Saturnite would be, but Chloe and her seventeen-year-old sister Aralie watch their summer plans crash and burn like a falling star. The SAS guys aren't happy with the situation, either. Bad boy Jules picks fights with Aralie about everything from his Twitter followers to his laundry, and heart-throb Benji can't escape Emery's fangirlisms for more than three minutes.
But after the super-cute Milo kisses Chloe during a game of hide-and-seek, she finally understands what Emery means when she talks about SAS being "out of this world." If this is what Saturn feels like, Chloe doesn't want to come back to Earth.
Characters and Relationships
My ALL TIME FAVORITE Saturn boy is Noah Winters but, just because he's my favorite doesn't mean that I don't like the rest of Saturn. Noah is my favorite Saturn boy because he is a strawberry milk drinking, sarcastic talking Saturn boy! This book mainly focuses on Chloe and Milo's relationship. I like the relationship between Tate and Godfrey (The Branson family fake butler) because it says that "Tate is like the grandson that Godfrey never had" and they are inseparable.
Is This A Kissing Book?
I wouldn't label this book as a kissing book. There is a few innocent moments but that's really it. What I really want to talk about is bromances! My favorite bromance would have to be Jenji for a number of reasons. One of the reason is because Emery "put a dent in Jenji". I have to say that Tito is a great bromance but it just isn't the same because Milo and Tate aren't as close as Benji and Jules. Obviously the reason that Noah doesn't have a bromance is because he's the best Saturn boy and doesn't need the extra attention.
Don't Leave Me Hanging
This book was going to be a stand alone book but then the AMAZING author Nikki Godwin decided to turn it into a series and the second book came out yesterday! It is called Kids In Love and just in case, I added the link to Amazon so you can get a copy!

Get your copy on Amazon
The Best Gems
- Twister
- Sharpie Tattoos
- Bleeding Butterflies
- Sebastian's Shadow
- Oreos
- Hide-N-Seek
- Sketch Book
- Strawberry Milk
- Wish Lanterns
- Tree House
- Fire Flies
- Bock-Bock-Baccarini
- Emery's Birthday Party
- Crushed Ladybugs
The Sum Up
This is my favorite book EVER! This book is the reason why I read books now. I've read this book so many times that I've lost count of how many times I've read it. I would recommend this book to ANYONE! This book has the perfect amount of everything in it. I'm glad to say that Nikki Godwin is my ALL TIME favorite author.
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Link to by American Girl On Saturn on Amazon
- Each week the co-hosts will trade off with recapping when it is a re-read or what they have heard so far about the book and the other co-host will put up their review.
- The participants can read anything that they remember reading in the past, or something that they have wanted to read that has been around for a while and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet for whatever reason.
- Participants can decide if they want to recap the book before reading it or just put up a review of what they read.
- Anyone can join in, just please link back to our blogs as well as add your name to the linky so we can hop around and see what everyone is reading.
- Please put our banner on your post as well, so we all look the same!
- We ask you kindly to follow BOTH of our blogs.
- Most importantly remember to just have fun! :)
We will be providing each week a linky that you will be able use to link your posts for us and everyone else to see as well. All we ask is for you to put up our banner as well as a link back to both hosts on your post.
I'm SOOOO glad that you liked my review! You are such a FANTASTIC author and I'm glad that you read my review! ~Meaghan :)