Welcome to Miscellaneous Monday, the meme where anything goes!
This week I am interviewing a blogger friend of mine so you all can get to know her a little better and hopefully check out her awesome blog as well. I did 5 questions for her to "think about" and then we did a rapid fire session. So, without further ado...
Meet Amber from Paradise of Pages!
I had my cousin talk me into reading Twilight years ago. I avoided it for months until she finally sucked me in. Once I did I loved the series and started looking up the books online for anything else I could get out of it. I came across some book blogs. I had no idea anything existed. I then wanted my own and started a blog called Must and Lust for books. I hated the name but couldn't think of anything else to change it to at the time. I started this blog back in 2008. I blogged on it for about a year before life made me not able to do it anymore. Once I got everything sorted out I wanted to be able to start up a new one. I have been blogging Paradise of Pages for about 2 years now.
2 – What is your favorite book genre or do you have a favorite?
I tend to really like contemporary romance, but I find myself branching out to really enjoy paranormal romance. As long as there is love in it somewhere, I am usually okay to read it :)
3 - Why did you name your blog Paradise of Pages?
I wanted something that resembled my home which is pretty white beaches everywhere. And then Bam! Paradise of Pages was born.
4 – What is some blogger advice you might give someone starting out?
Don't give up. It is so easy to see it takes a while to gain followers and even harder to keep them, but if you are passionate about it, keep going! They will see you care and they will come!
5 – What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The people. I love feeling like we are our own little family. I also like not feeling so nerdy since we all love to read. No one reads here where I live!
Rapid fire....and go!
Favorite cereal -- Honey Bunches of Oats
Favorite actor -- Jay Baruchel
Favorite holiday -- Christmas
Favorite color -- Green

Favorite blog to visit -- The Sarcastic Palmtree (awww!)
Favorite book -- Harry Potter

Favorite music group/artist -- Blessid Union of Souls
Favorite day of the week -- Saturday

Favorite game -- World of Warcraft

Favorite place to vacation -- Disney World
Thank you Amber for stopping by today! We love you!
Make sure you check out Amber's Blog, Paradise of Pages.
You can also connect with Amber on Twitter @AmberellaNicole
We want YOU to join us for Miscellaneous Monday. Take the sticker from the top of this post and link up below so we can visit your post as well!
HEY! It's me!! :) I love the pictures you put with my rapid fire! It's awesome! Thanks for interviewing me and making me feel important!! Love you!